Competitions Center
  • Tempest Warm Up 2006


    Final Stands:


    Scores for TIE-Free 260 (laserless):

    1st - CPT Rover - 86,799

    2nd - CM Impulse - 83,076

    3rd - LCM Gward - 71,745


    CMDR's points - LC Daniel Bonini - 88,772



  • Tempest Fiction Comp (November - 2005)

          Submissions: CM Impulse

          Winner: CM Impulse


  • Tempest Flying Comp (October - 2005)


    Final Stands:


    Battle Totals (laserless):

    1st - 370,704 - CM Impulse

    2nd - 259,194 - CPT Rover

    3rd - 236,348 - LCM Gward

    4th - 59,695 - LT Fayt


    Individual Mission Wins (not laserless):

    Mission 1: CPT Rover - 54,168

    Mission 2: CM Impulse - 84,341

    Mission 3: CM Impulse - 65,182

    Mission 4: CM Impulse - 67,096

    Mission 5: CM Impulse - 54,247

    Mission 6: CM Impulse - 55,273


  • Tempest Flying Comp (August - 2005)

          Final Stands:


          Battle Totals (laserless):

          1st - 255,686 - CPT Rover

          2nd - 245,899 - LT Gward

          3rd - 185,890 - LT Dark Scorpius

          4th - 169,284 - LT Kaskad

          5th - 143,035 - LT Red Phoenix


          Individual Mission Wins (not laserless):

          Mission 1: CPT Rover - 98,134

          Mission 2: CPT Rover - 106,416

          Mission 3: CPT Rover - 45,644

          Mission 4: CPT Rover - 99,271

          Mission 5: CPT Rover - 48,652


  • Cyclone vs. Tempest (June - 2005)


    Final Stands:


    1st - 82,321 - MAJ Daniel Bonini (Tempest)
    2nd - 65,409 - CM Dulcatos (Cyclone)
    3rd - 64,371 - CM Katherine Cantor Flyer (Cyclone)
    4th - 61,221 - MAJ Fink (Cyclone)
    5th - 59,994 - CPT Rover (Tempest)
    6th - 44,471 - LT Gward (Tempest)
    7th - 40,594 - LT Red Phoenix (Tempest)
    8th - 27,720 - LCM Impulse (Tempest)
    9th - 16,403 - LT Phelan (Cyclone)
    10th - 16,002 - LT Blenheim (Cyclone)


    With these results, Cyclone Squadron has been announced the winner of the Competition, by having two pilots in the first three spots....Congrats to them, better luck to us next time.



  • Tempest Mascot Tale (June - 2005)


    Submissions: LCM Prost Varsis

    Winner: LCM Prost Varsis


  • Tempest Top Gun (April - 2005)


                                  Week 1           Week 2           Week 3           Week 4         Month

                             Tie-Free 116  Tie-Free 154  Tie-Free 155  Tie-Free 190      Total

CPT Daniel Bonini*:  89,550             61,196           66,125           292,585        509,456

COL Sephiroth:             -                       -                     -                     -                   -

LT Haedaliel:             20,747             20,508                -                     -               41,255

CPT Rover:               53,150             59,691           50,502          246,129**   409.472***

LCM Mike Keyman:    n/a                17,078                -                     -               17,078

LCM Impulse:           89,410**         59,697**       50,518**       162,442        362,067

LCM Prost Varsis:         -                       -                    -                     -                    -

SL Ozkan Ata:               -                       -                    -                     -                    -


* CMDR Daniel Bonini's score is just for the rest of the squadron to compare themselves to. He's not actually participating on the competition.

** Week winner!

*** Tempest Top Gun!!!


  • Tempest Recruiting Comp (March/April - 2005)

          Submissions: none